Eurojuris Magazine


Meet Michal Sikora, longtimer @ Eurojuris

Meet Michal Sikora, longtimer @ Eurojuris

This Polish lawyer talks about his thirteen years of membership with Eurojuris and how beneficial it has been to his firm. 

Michal Sikora joined Budzowska Fiutowski & Partners (originally Jolanta Budzowska and Benedykt Fiutowski), a medium sized law firm based in Krakow and Warsaw counting four partners and fifteen lawyers in 1999. His firm became a member of   Eurojuris International in 2003, right before one of Europe’s most important historical moment: the 2004 enlargement of the European Union. 

Michal explains: “BFP had a cross border case and we needed some legal support in Finland for our Polish based client,. We came across Backström & Co law firm in Helsinki. They had already been a Eurojuris member and recommended us the network. This is how the story started, and it’s been almost thirteen years now. We were the first Polish firm to join Eurojuris International”.

Now Partner, Michal proudly mentions he’s an active member of the Jurismus network by attending most annual meetings. Michal says :”Thanks to the social part of the events, I am happy to have such friendly relations with colleagues from numerous countries. But the most important thing to my view is the level of trust and competence shared among the network”.  This Mordern Art enthusiast and keen tennis player admitted with a smile he often brings his racket and gear to a network event and always finds a partner to exchange a few sets with him.


Tell us about your core business ?

“We render legal services to individuals and entrepreneurs in Poland with a focus on commercial and civil litigation. Very important part of our practice regards liability for damages and therefore processing compensation due to unfortunate events, including compensation for medical malpractice, which also regards events that happened abroad, of course. We had many successes in that field”.


How being a longtime member of Eurojuris helped you develop your business ?

“Our membership to Eurojuris gave us a chance to extend our cross border legal services so they became important part of our practice. I know, it is platitude, but is true. I mean, cases where multiple jurisdictions are involved. Of course, it is pretty challenging sometimes, but it brings a lot of satisfaction. Our activity here includes not only international enforcement of claims, but also, to give an example, setting up of businesses in Poland and, afterwards, advising clients on a day-by-day basis, regarding their investments and operations in Poland, including real estate market, investments, etc.”


Youve been an active member of Jurismus for years, how are you transitioning?

“I am indeed over 40 now so it is time to leave the younger branch and switch to Eurojuris. However I would like to stay in close contact to my younger colleagues still involved with Jurismus. For instance, our law firm has just encouraged one of our trainees to participate to the Jump program and she is now looking forward to spending a few days in Drammen, Norway, at Svensson Nøkleby Advokatfirma ANS”.


Will you join one of our upcoming events in Hull and Marseille ?

“Our new partner in BFP - Karolina Kolary will represent us at the Jurismus Meeting in Hull in June.  I take this opportunity to wish you all a great time in Marseille for Practice Group Days 2016.  As far as I’m concerned, I stay in a pole position for the Annual Meeting in Prague”.

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