Eurojuris Magazine


Eurojuris Norway and Svensson Nøkleby: Modernisation and Optimised Work Processes

Eurojuris Norway and Svensson Nøkleby: Modernisation and Optimised Work Processes

Bjarte Røyrvik, president of Eurojuris Norway and partner at Svensson Nøkleby, provides an insight into new developments, growth and modern work processes.

Since its formation in 1991, Eurojuris Norway has grown from 50 to approximately 240 lawyers nationwide. “The network has been continuously growing and expanding. Our member firms are located all over Norway, from up north to down south”, Bjarte tells us. “To curb competition, we are recruiting new law firms that are situated in locations where Eurojuris Norway is not represented yet.”

In 2018, the 17th member firm joined the network. The new member, Advokatfirma Hald & Co in Arendal and Grimstad, is the most prominent law firm in its county with 12 lawyers offering legal advice to corporate clients, private individuals, and government agencies.

Within the national chapter, all member firms are connected through a joint intranet. “When our lawyers turn on their computers in the morning, they see the same content. Not only are they up-to-date with each other's work, news and events, and are provided easy access to customized legal databases, it simply keeps up the feeling of community.”

Eurojuris Norway also is on the cutting edge in terms of quality management. The ISO 9001:2015 quality system is compulsory to the members within the network. “All members are obligated to introduce and maintain a quality management system. For this reason, the executives and managers within the network come together on a regular basis to improve their skills during customised training sessions on quality management etc.”

The high participation rate in the National Bi-Annual Congresses shows the continuing commitment to the network. “About 100 to 150 lawyers of 240 in total attend our meetings.” Every participant receives training points which are required by the Norwegian Bar Association. “The courses are very well perceived as they offer quite affordable training compared to external training or meetings.” But it is not the training points that attract the participants the most: “Above all, the members enjoy networking and meeting their colleagues and they appreciate the time together.”

A team of six people at Svensson Nøkleby Advokatfirma organises the Congresses. “Eurojuris Norway is buying the management services from Svensson Nøkleby. That is quite a flexible model which adapts to the network’s changing demands.“

The Drammen based team performs all required tasks except providing the technical infrastructure which is provided by an external supplier. The work includes management services, quality system assistance, the preparation of all content for the intranet, procurement and making available access to databases, information about achieved framework agreements, personnel turnover, news and events.

For sure, it is essential to keep on top of the present challenges, digitalization, requirements and business demands to remain competitive.

Svensson Nøkleby, the largest firm of Eurojuris Norway, has itself undergone a significant modernisation process in a number of areas. “We want to offer a professional and modern working environment with modern work processes.” In June 2018, the law firm moved into brand new and customised premises. The 2600m² office is tailor-made for the firm’s needs. With a new website, the 40-lawyer law firm modernised its online presence and graphical profile. “The aim is to modernise and increase the efficiency of all our work processes. That is why we invest in management and our IT system, databases, and quality systems.”


About Eurojuris Norway
Eurojuris Norge AS was founded as an association in 1991. Since that time, Eurojuris Norge AS has grown from 50 to approximately 240 lawyers nationwide. The network facilitates professional and commercial co-operation between its 17 member firms and lawyers, offering legal services to businesses, organisations, the public sector and private individuals. The member firms of Eurojuris Norway have a strong local basis, and they are leading firms within their regions. Good local knowledge combined with excellent legal skills ensure efficient accomplishment of assignments at the right competitive price. Eurojuris Norway collaborates with If and NHO, offering If’s customers and members of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) discounted rates.

About Svensson Nøkleby
Being the largest law firm in the region, Svensson Nøkleby, has given people, companies and organisations locally, nationally and internationally, professional and emphatic legal assistance for generations. Svensson Nøkleby has helped them so that their views are gaining ground and they achieve good solutions within a wide range of areas.

Svensson Nøkleby:
Bjarte Røyrvik:
Eurojuris Norway:
Advokatfirma Hald & Co:

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